Bon Journo! Benvenuto! Welkum!
I welcome the following students to the TRIP OF YOUR LIFE!
Mandy Arami Parker Chenoweth Jennifer Cohenmehr Charlotte Dadbin
Sayeh Forantan Nicki Haghani Reza Hajisanje Kimberly Hamilton
Lauren Harour Bennett Hirsch Roxanne Houman Amy Mahoney
Tim Mahoney Devorah Mehrzadi Jennifer Miskabi Yasmin Mossanen
Dylan Palladino Lexi Rubaum Julian Teixeira Ashley Wald
It is very important that you read the blog updates, as new information will be given to you as needed. I will refer to these directions as “steps” towards our trip departure.
First Step of the trip: if you have any questions, ever, about any possible area of the trip, please contact Miss Ty, or Veyas immediately, before you forget the question, so please put our information (found below) in your cell phones right now! Do a test text right now to Miss Ty, saying Hi, with your name. I will check your name off that you can follow directions. If you fail to follow more than 3 directions before we leave, there is a possibility that you cannot follow directions, and Veyas and I will discuss if you should accompany us on this trip. It is imperative that you can follow directions, as little or stupid (in your opinion) that they are, in Europe as many times to meet, or train tracks numbers, or making lefts instead of rights, are made at the last minute and we like to practice changes with you before we leave, to help you get used to working in a group, and following directions. Listen for announcements on the PA, flyers, emails and Blogs. (Bev Hill’s girls, you are exempt from Pali PA In any case, text Miss Ty. HELLO, THIS IS (insert name) so she can put your name into her phone. RIGHT NOW, so we know that you are receiving these updates.
Chaperone Info:
Tylene DeVine Room A202 [email protected] 323-394-6678
Veyas Anaya Room U118 [email protected] 310-487-1170
Second Step of Trip: Read the following and text Miss Ty your opinions where applicable.
Rooming: Please start thinking about who you will room with in variations of 2, 3, 4 and 5 beds. Each hotel will have a different amount of beds, and you will be asked to give Miss Ty this information before we depart for Europe.
Hotels: Although I am expecting more sign ups, I have put in our reservations at the hotels for 20 and should have the hotel names and addresses listed soon, so that you may look at the addresses and get acquainted with the area using Google maps satellite.
Flights: Veyas is setting up our flights, and should be locking in our dates soon. There is only one traveler who has notified me that they will be needing a different return flight. I NEED TO KNOW ASAP if this is the case for you and you have not notified me.
Itinerary: I am also thinking about adding one more day to either Prague or Amsterdam, as I made a date error on the itinerary, so it is possible we can stay one more day, to make it a 17 day trip, as the itinerary suggests! Please tell me what city you prefer to spend more time in; Prague would be cheaper, but there are more events to do in Amsterdam, such as boat rides and finally shopping, as it is our last stop and you can fill up your suitcases with souvenirs! As it is I figured out the hours we have in each town before any changes: London 48 hours, Paris 54 hours, Venice 36 hours, Budapest 58 hours, Prague 36 hours, Amsterdam 47 hours. Please, please, please let me know where you would like more time. Maybe another option is a day between London and Paris as that is a day train, and we can split time between those two. If you have an opinion, text Miss Ty now with your opinion.
Third Step of Trip: You must attend all meetings, or speak to Miss Ty prior to meeting.
Thursday Meeting Updates: Please make it a priority to stop in with Miss Ty in room A202 on Thursday’s at lunch. I will keep a check sheet of travelers checking in, as it is important to learn to check in at appointed stops in Europe. I will not require you to stay and chat (as Seniors like to leave at lunch) but if you can check in before you leave campus, or before lunch ends, I will be able to see that you are a worthy traveler. Veyas and I HATE to wait for travelers to check in, say in front of the Eiffel Tower to get tickets, or at the restaurants to sit down to eat. There are 10 Thursdays before we leave, so I expect you to check in 90 percent of these.
Meet and Greet Party: A group meeting for 2010 travelers to meet and discuss the trip with 2009 travelers is scheduled for June (when they come home from college), which will be held at Veyas Anaya’s home in Venice Beach. Exact date is not yet known.
Parent and Traveler Meeting: The second parent meeting is scheduled for June 5th, travelers are asked to come so that all parents may meet all travelers. However, if parents would like to add a meeting before then, please let me know. Parents may call Miss Ty or Veyas at any time for answers to their questions.
Suitcases and Packing: Travelers should walk into an REI or STA travel store and become familiar with traveling options. All of our hotels provide sheets and towels, however, travelers might want to buy washable socks or underwear, travel size Tide wash tablets, ear plugs, Plug adapters, fanny packs etc. Start looking at options and reading travel blogs to help you get a sense of how LITTLE you need to pack. I am SERIOUS when I say bring a SMALLER size suitcase and only fill half of it up.
Fourth Step: Please sign up to this blog site, create a profile and have your parents sign up as well.
FYI. Only buy ONE travel language book per group of friends that has all European main phrases, and ONE Europe book which has all countries, otherwise, just your travel tour books will take up half of your suitcase, you will be able to share these books on the train before arrival to next city.