Everyone planned to meet in Lobby at 8 to go to Versailles, but by 10:30 only 3 left. They spent all day there and had an amazing time. They saw the whole inside and also the lands and Marie Antoinette’s house! Parker got sunburnt. Lexi Roxy Bennet Alex and Julian were off on their feet and walked the whole length from Ile St. Loius to Eiffel Tower. The Persian girls had their own private adventure and Veyas and Ty spent all day traveling the subways trying to make train refunds, make meetings and book dinner reservations, but they were able to stop at a cafe and have escargot!
Everyone met at 5 for jambon and cheese baguettes on the grass under the view of the Eiffel Tower before an amazing 4 hour bike tour of the streets of Paris and were able to see most all famous sites. Then take a Seine River cruise and watch the Eiffel Tower flicker with lights and the couples and parties make out on the River shore. The group has unified as a family and MANY pictures have been taken. Plus the chant of USA or IKOSI DEKA was heard echoing down the river.
Tomorrow promises to be full with most everyone discovering the art of the Louvre and eating in the Latin Quarter.
Dinner at La Poutre and heading out of Paris on a night train to Venezia.
And although that is the “plan”. We will write again tomorrow to let the Real day plans onto the Blog!!!!!