Greetings from Barcelona!
We have all arrived safely to the Sun and Moon Hostel in Barcelona.
I am happy to announce that all travelers met their tour guides at the set meeting time at the Los Angeles airport. The nine hour flight from LAX to LHR was quite long, but most were able to watch three movies: Rango, Just Go With It with Adam Sandler and No Strings Attached were the top 3 most watched movies. After changing body positions over a hundred times, 15 minutes here and there of sleep, and two meals, travelers arrived London with little turbulence. Ty and Johns American Airlines flight to Barcelona was actually a British Airlines flight, so Raquel´s group and Ty and John´s group were able to meet in the London Airport, and were able to hang out together in the lounge waiting for our perspective flights from London to Barcelona. The Barcelona flight was less than 2 hours, and the French and Spanish countrysides were visible the whole route from the airplane window, such beautifully green mountainous landscape! Then we saw the Spanish coast.
It was super easy to collect luggage, go downstairs and then board a bus which took us to the main part of the main street of La Rambla. We then exited the bus and walked down the center of La Rambla. It was heavily packed with people, sales vendors and gypsies. We stayed in a tight pack, and made it to our hotel without any weird incidence. Our hotel is down from a Mc Donalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Students raced up to their rooms to shower and clean up for the evening out. Boys are sharing dorm rooms with eight beds and one shower each, girls have rooms of 6 beds and a shower. Then met downstairs within an hour. Imagine25 kids showering and there was enough hot water! So, survey agreed that this was a good hotel!
The kids looked ready to dance all night, after first looking for a quick meal.
Tomorrow´s agenda includes a bike tour of the city, a group dinner and another night out.
Barcelona has small alley streets, and many turns, huge squares and boxes of trash in every crevice. This is a bustling city and the area of our hotel is smack center in the action. Very reminiscent of Venice, but more decrepit…that doesn´t sound beautiful, but it has been dark out since we arrived, so the sunshine may bring a different atmosphere tomorrow.
Salute for now.